In VPC interface, choose Subnets on the sidebar, then click Create subnet
In Create subnet interface, choose the VPC just created is my-vpc
After choosing VPC, the Subnet settings will appear
Public Subnet 1
Finish creating Subnet
Perform the same steps to create more subnets
Public subnet 2
with CIDR
and AZ ap-southeast-1b.
Private subnet 1
with CIDR
and AZ ap-southeast-1a.
Private subnet 2
with CIDR
and AZ ap-southeast-1b.
Private DB Subnet 1
with CIDR
and AZ ap-southeast-1a.
Private DB Subnet 2
with CIDR
and AZ ap-southeast-1b.
Finish creating 6 subnets.
In Subnets interface, choose Public Subnet 1, choose Actions and choose Edit subnet settings
Tick Enable auto-assign public IPv4 address, then choose Save
Repeat the steps above to apply for Public subnet 02
Go back to Your VPCs and view the Resource map of my-vpc