Create Route Table

Create Route Table

  1. In the VPC interface, click Route Tables on the sidebar, then click Create Route Table Create route table

  2. In the Create route table interface:

    • Name enter public-route-table
    • VPC choose my-vpc
    • Click Create route table Create route table
  3. After successfully creating the route table, click Edit routes Edit routes

  4. In the Edit routes interface, choose Add route Add route

  5. Then add a route with Destination is and Target is workshop-01-igw then click Save changes Add route

  6. After successfully creating, switch to the Subnet associations tab and click Edit subnet associations Edit subnet associations

  7. Choose 2 public subnets we have created then click Save associations Edit subnet associations

  8. Perform the same steps to create private-route-table-01 for private subnet 1 Create route table

  9. Add a route with Destination is and Target is nat-gw-01 then click Save changes Add route

  10. Choose private subnet 1 then click Save associations Edit subnet associations

Create route table for 2 private db subnets

  1. Perform the same steps to create private-db-route-table:
    • VPC choose my-vpc
    • Add a route with Destination is and Target is igw (to communicate with db instance from outside the vpc)
    • Assign this route table to 2 subnets Private DB Subnet 1 and Private DB Subnet 2 Create route table