In the VPC interface, choose Security groups on the sidebar, then click Create security group to create a security group for the ELB (Elastic load balancer) to be created
In the create security group interface:
External load balancer security group
Set up Inbound rules, by adding the following rules:
Scroll down to the bottom and click Create security group
Finish creating SG for ELB
Repeat the above steps to create SG for Web tier (present layer with user, can be understood as front-end)
Set up Inbound rules, by adding the following rules:
Scroll down to the bottom and click Create security group
Create the 3rd SG for Internal load balancer
Set up Inbound rules:
Create the 4th SG for App tier (private instances)
Set up Inbound rules:
Create the 5th SG for DB tier (private instances containing MySql)
Set up Inbound rules:
Finish creating 5 SG for the designed structure