Run the following commands to download MySQL on the instance:
sudo yum install -y
sudo rpm --import
sudo yum install -y mysql-community-client
Connect to RDS database:
mysql -h -u admin -p
Run create database librarydb;
to create a new db
Run show database;
to show existing dbs
Run use librarydb;
to use the newly created db
Run show tables;
to show tables in the db, at this time the db has no tables
To create tables for the db, go to the file of the back-end and reconfigure the information as shown below
Then we will run the app. After the app runs successfully, run the show tables;
command again to check
Run the command insert into (author, category, copies, copies_available, description, img, title) values (‘John’, ‘Programming’, 10, 8, ‘Tutorial about Java’, ‘’, ‘Java Advanced’); to add a row of data to the book table
Run select * from;
to show the rows of data in the book table
The above steps are just to test that the db works well according to the queries we have written. But in this workshop, we will use the database first approach, meaning we will create the db first and then create entities and repositories in the app to map with the db.
file in the starter-files
folder, then run the available scripts to create the db named librarydb and the tables in the db