Connect to EC2 instance

Connect to EC2 instance

  1. Similar to connecting to the app server instance, we connect through Session manager.

  2. Switch to ec2-user.

  3. Check the connection by pinging the ip of the Google DNS server → connected to the internet through IGW.

  4. Download NPM to the instance:

    • curl -o- | bash
    • source ~/.bashrc to reload the bash shell configuration file to apply the npm just downloaded
    • Run nvm install 16 then run nvm use 16 to download and use Node.js version 16
  5. To copy code from the library-app-fe folder from the S3 bucket we run the following commands:

    • cd to go to the user’s home directory
    • aws s3 cp s3://demowebapp-workshop-01/library-app-fe/ web-tier --recursive to copy all files from the library-app-fe folder and its sub-folders to the web-tier folder on the instance (if the web-tier folder does not exist, the instance will automatically create a new folder)
  6. Download the dependencies:

    • cd web-tier to access the folder
    • ls -ltr to list the files and sub-folders of web-tier
    • npm install to download the necessary libraries or dependencies
    • npm run build to build the source code
    • sudo amazon-linux-extras install nginx1 -y to download nginx (nginx acts as a web server to help the app run on port 80, as well as help direct API calls to the internal load balancer)
  7. Config Nginx:

    • cd /etc/nginx
    • ls
    • We will see the nginx.conf file in the nginx folder. We need to delete this file and replace it with the file we have configured and uploaded to the s3 bucket.
    • sudo rm nginx.conf
    • sudo aws s3 cp s3://demowebapp-workshop-01/nginx.conf . to copy the file from the bucket to the nginx folder
    • sudo service nginx restart to restart Nginx
    • chmod -R 755 /home/ec2-user to grant Nginx access to all files
    • sudo chkconfig nginx on to run the Nginx service automatically every time the instance restarts