Similar to connecting to the app server instance, we connect through Session manager.
Switch to ec2-user.
Check the connection by pinging the ip of the Google DNS server → connected to the internet through IGW.
Download NPM to the instance:
curl -o- | bash
source ~/.bashrc
to reload the bash shell configuration file to apply the npm just downloaded
nvm install 16
then run nvm use 16
to download and use Node.js version 16
To copy code from the library-app-fe folder from the S3 bucket we run the following commands:
to go to the user’s home directoryaws s3 cp s3://demowebapp-workshop-01/library-app-fe/ web-tier --recursive
to copy all files from the library-app-fe folder and its sub-folders to the web-tier folder on the instance (if the web-tier folder does not exist, the instance will automatically create a new folder)
Download the dependencies:
cd web-tier
to access the folderls -ltr
to list the files and sub-folders of web-tier
npm install
to download the necessary libraries or dependencies
npm run build
to build the source code
sudo amazon-linux-extras install nginx1 -y
to download nginx (nginx acts as a web server to help the app run on port 80, as well as help direct API calls to the internal load balancer)Config Nginx:
cd /etc/nginx
sudo rm nginx.conf
sudo aws s3 cp s3://demowebapp-workshop-01/nginx.conf .
to copy the file from the bucket to the nginx folder
sudo service nginx restart
to restart Nginxchmod -R 755 /home/ec2-user
to grant Nginx access to all filessudo chkconfig nginx on
to run the Nginx service automatically every time the instance restarts