Create External Load Balancer

Create Internal Load Balancer

  1. At EC2 Dashboard, click on Load Balancers from the left-hand menu and then click on Create Load Balancer. ILB

  2. In the interface of choosing a load balancer type, select Application Load Balancer and click on Create. ILB

  3. In the ALB creation screen:

    • LB Name enter web-tier-internal-lb
    • Scheme select Internet-facing ILB
  4. In the Network mapping section:

    • VPC: my-vpc
    • Tick ap-southeast-1a, then select Public Subnet 1
    • Tick ap-southeast-1b, then select Public Subnet 2 ILB
  5. In the Security groups section, select InternetFacing-LB-SG. In the Listeners and routing section, select WebTierTargetGroup for the default action. Scroll down to the bottom and click on Create load balancer. ILB

  6. Complete the load balancer creation for the app tier. ILB